Third Party Identifier Integration
This is the integration document for the third party identifier of GroundTruth Location SDK for Android. Minimum GroundTruth Location SDK version 5.1.9
Third Party Identifier Integration
We have introduced third party identifier which publisher can pass as part of SDK initialization. To use this feature enable allowInstanceId in SDK config/provisioning file.Here's an example of how to initialize the Location SDK with the Third Party Identifier:
LocationSDK.Builder builder = new LocationSDK.Builder(context).with(ACCESS_KEY, AES_PASSWORD);
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString("source", “App Name”);
bundle.putString("version”, "App version”);
bundle.putString("id", “Your App Identifier”);
val bundle = Bundle()
bundle.putString("source", “App Name”)
bundle.putString("version”,"App version")
bundle.putString("id", “Your App Identifier”)
new LocationSDK.Builder(this)
// Your account's Access Key and Password (Required)
// Your Bundle (Optional)
// Start the Location SDK (Required)
Updated almost 4 years ago