Privacy Integration

This is the integration document for the privacy integration of GroundTruth Location SDK for iOS.


GDPR Compliance (General Data Protection Regulation)

GroundTruth is compliant with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Publishers are required to update GroundTruth whether a user is subjected to GDPR as well as his consent.

If the user is from the EU/EEA the publisher must set GDPR to true, otherwise it should be set to false. When the user is from EU/EEA consent must include a value, if not it should be set to null. If nothing is provided, tracking will be enabled.

Option 1: Using IAB Certified CMP Tool
Location SDK is compatible with IAB Certified third-party Consent Management Platform(CMP) tool. SDK will read the consent from the CMP tool, no further integration is required.

Option 2: During Location SDK Initialization
Publishers are required to provide the GDPR consent during the initialization of the Location SDK.
Here's an example of how to initialize the Location SDK with the GDPR consent:

        password: "<password>",
        userGender: .male,
        gdpr: true,
        consent: "<GDPR consent String>")
[XADLocationSDK configSDKWithAccessKey: accessKey
                                  password: password
                              userBirthday: nil
                                userGender: GenderMale
                                      gdpr: true
                                      consent: "<GDPR consent String>"
                         ccpaPrivacyString: nil];

CCPA Compliance (California Consumer Privacy Act)

GroundTruth is compliant with California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Publishers are required to update GroundTruth whether a user is subjected to CCPA as well as his consent. If nothing is provided, tracking will be enabled.

Option 1: Using IAB Certified CMP Tool
Location SDK is compatible with IAB Certified third-party Consent Management Platform(CMP) tool. SDK will read the consent from the CMP tool, no further integration is required.

Option 2: During Location SDK Initialization
Publishers are required to provide the CCPA consent during the initialization of the Location SDK.
Here's an example of how to initialize the Location SDK with the CCPA consent:

        password: "<password>",
        userGender: .male,
        ccpaPrivacyString: "<ccpa consent String>")
[XADLocationSDK configSDKWithAccessKey: accessKey
                                  password: password
                              userBirthday: nil
                                userGender: GenderMale
                                      gdpr: false
                                      consent: nil
                         ccpaPrivacyString: "<ccpa consent String>"];

COPPA Compliance (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act)

GroundTruth is COPPA Compliant. Users age can be passed to the SDK, and the SDK will not be initialized for users under the age of 13.
If no birthdate is specified, tracking will be enabled.

let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy"
let birthday = "03/15/1988")

        password: "<password>",
        userBirthday: birthday,
        userGender: .male)
NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setDateFormat:@"MM/dd/yyyy"];
NSDate *birthday = [formatter dateFromString:@"<MM/dd/yyyy>"];

[XADLocationSDK configSDKWithAccessKey: accessKey
                                  password: password
                              userBirthday: birthday
                                userGender: GenderMale
                                      gdpr: false
                                      consent: nil
                         ccpaPrivacyString: nil];

LAT (Limit Ad Tracking)

Limit Ad Tracking (LAT) is a privacy feature that allows users to limit what data advertisers receive about activity generated by their devices. If this feature is turned on by the user, Location SDK will stop working.